Well, after many hours of bag hunting online and in store (well, I only know of Holt Renfrew to check out designer handbags and the staff there are such a snooty bunch, I made the decision to shop in the US for my new purse), I finally narrowed it down to 3 brands: Balenciaga, Chloe or Prada.
I want a bag that is not widely carried by the masses, such as the much seen Louis Vuitton, about town. Everywhere I look, I seem to see a flash of damier or monogram canvas on a woman's shoulder or clutched in her fancy little hands. But not for me, as classic and timeless as the LV bag is, I want my first splurge to be less noticeable and more practical.
I demand a lot in a handbag. I require it to be structured (so not to lose shape), roomy (for my big wallet and Benna's snacks), easy to carry (with a long top handle and shoulder strap), durable (a smooth wipeable leather), and a classic brand (not too trendy).
For Balenciaga, I liked the Giant Velo with the big, metal studs. Yes, more on the trendy side, but still a classic. Balenciaga has pioneered the strong, edgy look of a motorcycle bag and made it an icon.
For Chloe, I really liked the Paraty because of it's unique style. The handle is not structured and the strap is not cross-body, but the uniqueness of the bag made it a lustful want for me. And especially in the python version, I was in love! But the price did not love me back. There are less expensive versions in the Paraty collection, but the snakeskin is what really got me. It's such a beautiful bag. If it ever goes on sale or appear on Beyond the Rack or Gilt Groupe, I may have to do something evil to get it. Haha!
And lastly, Prada. Such a classic label and lots of classic styles to choose from. This brand is always stands out to me. I was pretty bummed when I missed a Prada sale on Beyond the Rack a few months ago that featured a black satchel that was mostly vinyl with leather parts to it. It was a great price (55% off, I think) but there was only one and it went fast! I didn't even get a chance to put it in my "shopping bag". So I was more than excited when I found Saks carried a similar bag in an all leather version! They had both a camel color and the black that I wanted. But again, the price was over my budget and so I bookmarked it and visited frequently to check for a sale. Well, lo and behold, that day came! Today, it actually went on sale! I was hesitant at first because I've never actually held it or tried it on, but I was certain this was to be mine. Well, it's a good thing I didn't hesitate very long and just bought it because within 30 minutes of purchasing it, it was sold out online already! Crazy!
Here it is:
It meets all my handbag criteria and I can see myself using it everyday! I am looking forward to receiving this in the mail, though I had it shipped to my US address to save on duty and taxes. I will definitely have a new post once it arrives! Yay!
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